Charles's Private Stash--Backup

Quick Hits

Cin'ti Weather NextCloud Toodledo Simplenote Wikipedia Duplicinator 3000

Work Stuff My Metro Schedule Collections Personal Links Applications Reference Fun and Interesting Things

Work Stuff

Stuff Launched First Thing

IT Systems

InfoSec Team Stuff

HR and General Corporate Information

My Metro Schedule

Main Schedule Page

Route Fare To Downtown To C-T
28 $2.00 6:42, 7:12,7:42 16:30, 17:00, 17:30,18:00
25 $2.00 7:16 16:35, 17:45
29X $2.65 7:06, 7:35 16:55, 17:45
30 $2.00 7:05 16:30, 17:30, 18:00

Updated 2024-10-07


Cycling Sites Sites

Handy Sites


Family Stuff

UC Stuff


Restaraunts and Food


Work Benefits and HR

This includes for current and past employers where I still need some level of access.


General WebApps

Notetaking and Editing

Web-Based Converters Hosted Applications



External General Reference Sites

Food and Cooking

Making Stuff Look Good

Pens, Paper, and Other Office Supplies

Time and Date

Maps and Navigation


Coding, Computers, and IT

Random Useful Things

Fun and Interesting Things

Office Supply Geeking and Workspace Voyeurism

Music and Streaming

TV, Movies, and Streaming

Fun and Games

I have moved some older, less relevant links to a page for older stuff.

This site was created by Charles Barilleaux.
Last updated on March 9, 2025.
Hosting for this site is provided by

The SDF Public Access UNIX System
My stash has a primary, a secondary, and a tertiary site.